
Historian as Curandera by Aurora Levins Morales
White Supremacy Culture by Tema Okun
The Case for Reparations by Ta Nehisi Coates
Reparations Toolkit by Movement for Black Lives
Scene on Radio Podcast Seasons 2 + 4: Seeing White and The Land that Has Never Been Yet
Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America by Ibram X. Kendi
How to Hide an Empire by Daniel Immerwahr
The 1619 Project by Nikole Hannah Jones
The Diary of Antera Duke: An Eighteenth Century African Slave Trader
In Defiance: Runaways from Slavery in New York’s Hudson River Valley 1735 - 1831 by Susan Stessin-Cohn and Ashley Hurlburt-Biagini
Sarah Hicks - Historical Sketch of the Zabriskie Household
Eve Voorhes Obituary - 29 March 1810
The Life, History, and Unparalleled Sufferings of John Jea, the African Preacher
The Social History of Flatbush, and Manners and Customs of the Dutch Settlers in Kings County
Samuel Anderson - The Last Slave of Flatbush
Samuel Anderson - article by his descendant Augustus Harris
The Bergen Family by Teunis G. Bergen
African Cosmology of the Bantu-Kongo Kimbwandende Kia Bunseki Fu-Kiau
The Akan Diaspora in the Americas by Kwasi Konadu
Brooklyn’s Garden: View of Picturesque Flatbush
Brooklyn’s Promised Land: The Free Black Community of Weeksville by Judith Wellman
A Covenant with Color: Race and Social Power in Brooklyn by Steven Craig Wilder
Flatbush Past and Present by Edmund D. Fisher
General History of Africa Volume 4 Africa from the Twelfth to the Sixteenth Century
Historic homesteads of Kings County by Charles Andrew Ditmas
A History of West Africa to the Nineteenth Century by Basil Davidson
History of the Dutch Reformed Church
The History of the Town of Flatbush in Kings County
Keskachauge, Or the First White Settlement on Long Island
Of Cabbages and Kings County: Agriculture and the Making of Modern Brooklyn
Root and Branch: African Americans in New York and East Jersey 1613 - 1863 by Graham Russell Hodges
Slavery and African Ethnicities in the Americas by Gwendolyn Midlo Hall
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